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Guide in english: How to apply for unemployment benefits

In this guide, you can find information on how to fill out the unemployment insurance funds' (a-kassens) online procedure regarding declaration of unemployment and applying for unemployment benefits.

It is important that you answer the questions correctly. It may have consequences for your entitlement to unemployment benefit if you provide incorrect information or fail to disclose circumstances of importance to your entitlement to unemployment benefit. Information which turns out to be incorrect may lead to claims for reimbursement of unemployment benefits and loss of rights.

If you find it difficult to find a specific question or word in the instructions, you can use the search function in pdf/word.

Please contact the AJKS, if you have any questions or need help when completing the online.


Declaration of unemployment/applying for unemployment benefits

As newly unemployed, you have to inform your local job centre (jobnet.dk) about your status and apply for unemployment benefits from your unemployment insurance fund – 'a-kasse'

You have to register as a job seeker at Jobnet.dk on the first day that you are unemployed. At jobnet.dk you also have to create your own CV, before your CV-meeting with your a-kasse and no later than two weeks after registered as unemployed.

To be eligible for benefits, you need to fill in and send a declaration of unemployment (ledighedserklæring or ansøgning om dagpenge). You can find the document here under blanketter

You can apply for unemployment benefits when you are unemployed after a working-period (as an employee or self-employed) or you can apply as a newly graduate.

If you apply for unemployment benefits after a working period, you must meet several conditions to be entitled to Danish unemployment benefits. If you apply for unemployment benefits as a newly graduate, there are some other conditions, you must meet. You can learn more about the conditions at Life in Denmark’s website.

In order to approve your right to benefits, the a-kasse will receive information about your income and working hours from the Danish income register (indkomstregisteret).

Here you will find some phrases and questions that you usually will be asked when applying for unemployment benefits from your 'a-kasse'.

If you have any questions when filling in the form, please contact AJKS for more information.